International Order
For International Order (outside ASEAN Country)
For International Order (outside ASEAN Country), please provide below details and email to [email protected]:
Contact # (with Country Code):
Address (with Postal Code):
Body Measurement: cm / kg
For International Order (outside ASEAN Country) payment can be made via PayPal/WISE only.
*Customer shall bear the shipping fee (depending on the courier service).
*Customer shall bear the PayPal/WISE fee of 5%-10% from all cost. [(abaya + shipping fee) + 5% to10%]
*Shipment duration: Minimum of 2 weeks and please expect additional delay by Custom Clearance
*Shipment may be subject to Custom Tax and You shall bear the cost of Custom Tax if any tax is incurred.
Please email to [email protected] all required info if you wish to place the order.